Programming Automatic Handsfree

Additional Feature Information
Automatic Handsfree

Automatic Handsfree Setup

Enable Automatic Handsfree System-Wide and for Extensions

  1. 1512-01: Automatic Handsfree [System: Options: Setup: Calls (1512): Auto Handsfree]
    Enable or disable Automatic Handsfree system-wide.
    Option Description
    No (0) Disabled.
    Yes (1) [Default] Enabled.
  2. 2112-01: Automatic Handsfree Stations: Config: Options: Speaker (2112): Auto Handsfree]
    Enable or disable Automatic Handsfree for an extension.
    This option only takes affect if you have first enabled Automatic Handsfree system-wide in the previous step.
    Option Description
    No (0) Disabled.
    Yes (1) [Default] Enabled.