1815-04: G.726 Payload Type Number [System: VoIP: Profile (1-4): DTMF (1815): G.726 Payload]

The G.726 Payload Type Number is the RTP Payload Type Number that indicates the transmitted packet is using the G.726 CODEC. Other popular CODECs have a preassigned payload number that you don't have to set, but G.726 does not. The entry must be in the dynamic payload number range of 96-127, but there is normally no reason to change from the default entry of 96. Click here for a list of the RTP Payload Type assignments. The Payload Type Number assignment should be the same for both ends of the call.

Features Related to this Program

Telephone Features
IntraMail Features

Program Options

Option Description
96-127 Payload Type Numbers 96-127. [Default] = 96.