Programming Caller ID Logging Extension Options

Additional Feature Information
Caller ID Logging
Programming for this Feature
Programming Caller ID Logging System Options
Programming Additional Caller ID Logging Options
Caller ID Logging Programming Examples

Setting Up Caller ID Logging Extension Options

1. Set the type of logging for the extension (personal or group).

  1. Make sure the Caller ID Logging Callback options are correctly set.
  2. 2117-01: Caller ID Log Type Stations: Config: Options: Call Logging (2117): CID Log Type]
    This option assigns the type of Caller ID Logging for the extension.
    Option Description
    0 None.
    1 [Default]Personal Caller ID Logging
    2 Group Caller ID Logging.

2. Set up the Personal Caller ID Logging options.

  1. Make sure logging type is set to 1
  2. 2117-01: Caller ID Log Type Stations: Config: Options: Call Logging (2117): CID Log Type]
    This option specifies the maximum number personal Caller ID logs the extension can have.
    When assigning records, be careful not to exceed the system maximum (1000).
    Option Description
    0 Logging disabled.
    1-99 Maximum number of Caller ID records for the extension. [Default] = 10.

2. Set up the Group Caller ID Logging options.

  1. Make sure logging type is set to 2
  2. 2117-01: Caller ID Log Group Stations: Config: Options: Call Logging (2117): CID Log Size/Group]
    Specify the Caller ID Logging Group to which the extension should belong
    When assigning records, be careful not to exceed the system maximum (1000).
    Option Description
    1-8Digits The Caller ID Logging Group to which the extension belongs. [Default] = 1 (group 1).
  3. 3122-[01-08]: Caller ID Group Membership [Lines: Config: Setup: Caller ID Groups (3122): Group x]
    Specify to which Caller ID Logging Groups the outside line should log its calls.
    The line can log its calls into any or all groups.
    You make a separate entry for each group.
    Option Description
    No (0) The line should not log its calls into the selected group. [Default] for groups 2-8.
    Yes (1) The line should log its calls into the selected group. [Default] for group 1.
  4. 3701-xx: Caller ID Logging Group Size Lines: Caller ID: Setup: Groups (3701): Group x Log Size]
    Specify the total number of records that can be stored in each Caller ID Logging group.
    When assigning records, be careful not to exceed the system maximum (1000)
    You make a separate entry for each group.
    Option Description
    0 Logging disabled.
    1-99 Maximum number of Caller ID records for the extension. [Default] = 99 for group 1, 0 for groups 2-8.