[3.01] Department Group Mailbox Basic Programming

Additional Feature Information
Group Mailbox
Programming for this Feature
[3.01] Department Group Mailbox Subscriber Options

Setting Up a Group Mailbox for an Extension

Set the extension's mailbox type options.

  1. 2113-02: Department Group [Stations: Config: Options: Groups (2113): Department Group]
    Assign the extension to a Department Group (1-30).
    Option Description
    0 [Default] No Department Group assigned.
    1-30 Department Group 1-30.
  2. The Department Group assignment automatically determines the Group Mailbox number. For example, Department Group 1 uses extension 601 and mailbox 601.

  3. 2141-01: Station Mailbox Type Stations: Config: IntraMail: Mailbox Type (2141): Mailbox Type]
    Use this option to set the extension's mailbox type. For a shared Ring Group Mailbox, enter 2.
    • If mailbox type is 2 and there is no Ring Group assignment, the extension has no mailbox.
    • Skip this step for a “stand-alone” Ring Group.
    Option Description
    0 None.
    1 [Default] Personal.
    2 Group

Setting the Department Group Mailbox Basics

Set the Department Group mailbox type options.

  1. 2311-01: Department Group Mailbox Type [Stations: Department Groups: IntraMail: Mailbox Type (2311): Mailbox Type]
    Select the Department Group mailbox type. This applies to both Ring Groups and UCD Groups.
    • If you are setting up a Group Mailbox for an extension, be sure you have selected the extension's Department Group.
    Option Description
    0 None.
    1 Personal.
    2 [Default] Routing (see the next option).
  2. 2311-01: Department Group Routing Mailbox Number [Stations: Department Groups: IntraMail: Mailbox Type (2311): Mailbox Type]
    If you entered 2 (routing) for the previous option, use this option to assign the Routing Mailbox that IntraMail will use for the Department Group Mailbox.
    Option Description
    801-832 Routing Mailboxes 801-832. [Default] = 801.
  3. If you set the Department Group Mailbox as a Subscriber Mailbox, see [3.01] Department Group Mailbox Subscriber Options.

  4. If you set the Ring Group Mailbox as a Routing Mailbox, see the following features.