Mailbox Announcement Message

The subscriber hears the Mailbox Announcement Message each time they log into their mailbox.
Additional Feature Information
Broadcast Message


The Mailbox Announcement Message is a message, recorded by the System Administrator, that plays to each subscriber when they log onto their mailbox. The message will play at each log on until it expires, is deleted, or made inactive by the System Administrator. Similar to the Broadcast Message, the Mailbox Announcement Message is also used for important company announcements such as weather-related schedule changes and personnel updates. Unlike the Broadcast Message, the Mailbox Announcement Message cannot be deleted, forwarded, or saved by the subscriber.

After recording the Mailbox Announcement Message, the System Administrator can choose how long they want the announcement to last. The choices are a specific number of days or indefinite. Once the specific number of days passes, the message expires (i.e., is made inactive but not deleted). The message can be reactivated later on if required. The System Administrator can also make the message inactive before it expires.

If a subscriber has a Security Code enabled for their mailbox, the Mailbox Announcement Message will play after they enter their security code.

Conditions and Defaults


  • None.

Default Setting

  • No Mailbox Announcement Messages recorded.

Other Related Features


  • None.

IntraMail Features

  • Broadcast Message
    • A Broadcast Message is a unique message, recorded by the System Administrator, that is automatically sent as a new message to all subscribers.
  • Security Code
    • The Mailbox Announcement Message will play after the subscriber enters their security code.
  • System Administrator
    • Only the System Administrator can record and set up a Mailbox Announcement Message.